Tuesday, May 21, 2013

battening down the hatches

No, we're not getting flooded, but the temps are rapidly increasing around these parts, and it's important to keep the beasts (aka, dogs and cat) cool and hydrated. As much as I love having a bright and airy home with lots of windows open and breezes flowing through, when it gets hot, closing up the house is the easiest way to keep everyone cool without A/C. We average at least ten degrees cooler inside by closing the windows and drawing the curtains. Then, when the temperature drops after the sun goes down, we open up the house, and all is right with the world.

1 comment:

  1. Yep, that's the way it's done in the south! People here in Texas cover up their windows with aluminum foil and it seems to stay there day, night and Sunday! It's got to be like a cave inside those homes! Ugh!
